I can't help but notice that the diet culture is becoming hyper-focused on what you need to avoid and man can you get swamped deep in the darkest rabbit holes of restrictions...
Whether it's low calories or low anything and everything else! It's no wonder it feels overwhelming when you get deep into the weeds of the latest diet trends...
So let's flip this on it's head, here's 5 things to ADD IN to your diet and lifestyle to support your overall health and hormonal balance (and generally get you feeling pretty awesome)...
... note these are ALL low hanging fruit which get overlooked when searching for the 'perfect diet' for you:
1. Drink more water - And to be honest, it doesn't need to be hydrogenated, ionized or any other form of proposed life changing unicorn juice from a magical cup of our ancestors. If you're not getting 30ml per kg of bodyweight, you are more than likely dehydrated, so just try and swap some other beverages for a good old glass of water. .
2. Include fat and protein at each meal/snack, eg meat/eggs/tofu/tempeh/fish/seafood/nuts/seeds/avocado/olives....Great sources of your essential fatty acids (the ones you can't make in the body) are fatty fish, chia/flax/hemp seeds and walnuts. Fats and proteins take a good while to digest, so you'll stay satiated and happy, bossing those cravings, hormones and blood sugar levels.
3. As much brightly coloured fruit and veg as you can fit on your plate! An easy way to pack your diet full of fibre, vitamins, minerals, polyphenols.... all that good stuff. A great way to feed the good guys in your gut too!
4. Go out of your way to catch some extra zzz's. Let's face it, when we're tired it all goes to shit, not just from a food choices and exercise standpoint, but also your mood, energy levels, concentration etc. Get yourself into a solid sleep routine, don't just leave it to chance.
5. Make sure you factor in some lovely downtime! It's counter-productive to be on the go all the time, allow your body time to get into a parasympathetic state, take some demand off your adrenals so that your hormones can maximise their potential!! Grab a good book, listen to some music, go for a stroll, hang out with your mates….rest.
A mindset which ditches restrictions for boosting nourishing food and lifestyle practices can certainly helpt to create a healthier relationship with food, exercise and your body :)
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The content in this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health.